
Certain units can navigate the hexagonal grid to explore uncharted terrain. Vehicles play a crucial role by efficiently transporting astronauts across the landscape, extending their range and access to different areas of the board.

Finding Missions

Movement isn't just about covering distanceβ€”it's a means to achieve strategic objectives. The primary goal is to locate and engage with Missions scattered across the board. These missions offer opportunities for Victory Points. If you traverse over a hex with a Mission, it will display on the board.

Adaptive Tactics

Beyond missions, movement serves tactical purposes, such as positioning units defensively. Astronauts adjacent to buildings and equipment can manually heal or shield them. Often, some astronauts are used defensively, while other units advance into unexplored terrain.

Movement Costs

Astronauts cost Food to Move.

Vehicle cost Power to Move. Vehicles that have seats can transport Astronauts so you can save on transportation costs for Astronauts.

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