Cards & Deck Building

In Outpost Surge, players construct decks of cards, called Surge Cards, that represent vehicles, buildings, astronauts, and equipment on Mars. Each Card has unique abilities in the game, and they can be used in a game session to produce resources, heal items, build structures, explore territory, and much more.

Card Breakdown

Suit - The category of Card. There are Unit cards and Action Cards.

Health (Units Only) - The health points for a certain card. Only applies to Unit cards. Once the health goes to 0, the Unit is removed from the board.

Effects - Various attributes of the card, including resource production, resource consumption, and unique benefits or actions that are activated by playing the card. This is core to the strategy of th game.

Name - The scientific name of the Mars tech or astronaut.

Background - The illustration representing the item.

All Cards in the Game

There are tons of different card types that have been designed. A area of feedback we are looking for in closed beta is suggestions on how to improve these card specs and better balance them.

Here are all the card effects listed for reference ->

Building Your Deck

Decks can be as big as 50 Surge Cards, and must contain at least 20 Surge Cards. Each gameplay session will load in 20 Cards. You can choose 5 โ€œguaranteed cardsโ€ from your deck that will always load into the game, and the other 15 will be chosen from the rest of your cards

These cards are essential tools for exploring the Martian terrain, completing missions, and overcoming hazards. A well-built deck can mean the difference between thriving and failing in your quest to dominate Mars.

Deck Bulder UI

Use the Deck Builder UI to create and modify your decks. Start by selecting the Deck Builder in the main menu. Then press "Create a New Deck" to create a new deck. Name your deck whatever you want.

Once in the deck builder, on the left side, you will see all your available cards. Click and Drag a card to the right column to include it in the deck. The order does not matter.

The top section of the right column is your guaranteed cards, which will be included in your deck for every game. The rest of the cards on the right will be randomly selected (15 of 45).

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