Resource Management

Resources play a pivotal role in the strategic gameplay of Outpost Surge. Most Units contribute to resource production, generating valuable assets each turn when you end your actions. These resources are essential for deploying Units to the board, completing missions, and managing various game tasks.

In the game, you'll manage five key resources:

  • Power: Deploy Equipment, Building and Vehicle Units. Also used for moving Vehicles, and healing various Units.

  • Food: Deploy Astronaut Units. Also used for moving Astronauts and healing Astronauts.

  • Fuel: Used to complete Missions.

  • Construction: Deploy Building Units. Also used for repairing various Units.

  • Data: Used for Tech Tree (future).

How to Monitor Resources

The resources are on the right side of the UI. It shows your current stockpile and your maximum amount you can store. You can only produce up to your maximum amount.

At the end of each turn, resource production happens. This will light up the various resource bars with colors. Resource stockpiles remain between turns.

Producing Resources

Resources can be produced in multiple ways. Some Units instantly produce resources instantly when they are deployed. Other cards produce resources mid-turn, such as producing X amount of resources per additional Unit deployed in that turn. Most cards, however, will produce resources at the end of the turn.

Some cards also have additional production benefits, like resources being produced per turn, shown by the silver underbar in this illustration:

It is important to learn the difference between these timings to master your strategy:

Spending Resources

Resources will get automatically spent from your stockpile based on various gameplay actions. This can be from playing a Unit to the board, which can cost resources. This can also be from movement costs, mission completion costs, or tech tree costs. This is why it is important to constantly keep an eye on your resource stockplies and choose how to allocate your resources wisely.

Efficiently managing these resources is crucial to success, influencing your ability to explore, expand, and engage with the game's challenges effectively. Balancing resource production, consumption, and strategic deployment forms the core of your tactical decisions throughout each turn.

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